
Thank you for visiting my website. I hope you are finding new information which you find useful and are able to discover some book recommendations which you will enjoy. I started this website in response to a question I have been receiving from family and friends. Once they found out I was in the process of writing a book for my children, which I hope will be resourceful to them as adults. Inevitably, I would be asked “Why not publish it for everyone?” My explanation is simple enough, who am I? No one special. I am not the smartest person, I am average at best. I don’t know more than anyone, I have just been exposed to more information because I read a lot, 75 books a year, which most people I engage with don’t happen to do. But to my children, I am someone worth the time and effort that they may actually read a book which I write. While writing this I have significant doubts that this website will be anything more than a money pit which no one will read.

Regardless, I plan on releasing excerpts from my book, altering the wording a bit to make it more accessible to those who are not my kids along with some extra content. In a perfect world, I will receive feedback from those who take the time to read posts on this website, like you. Which will expose areas which I have not contemplated yet or discussed thoroughly enough. My goal is to expound and enlighten with the goal of finding more truth not to confuse or obfuscate from that which my own bias would prefer to avoid. However, I am human. I do not know everything, and I am as flawed as the next person, and so that is where you come in. I truly believe that more minds together are always better than one. Unfortunately, tribalism has made a strong comeback and leads to groupthink and witch hunts for “others”. The goal of this website is not to make enemies when there are none, or promote hatred of people who are not the same. The goal is to provide information which I personally have found helpful. I have had many bad ideas over my lifetime and am so happy that those ideas died away rather than killed me. The word “Repent” used in the Bible is translated from the Greek word “Metanoia” which means “A change of mind”. I have repented so much in my lifetime, and continue to do so. Writing my current thoughts at a specific time and publishing them online is somewhat disingenuous as I may have changed my mind since the time of my writing, but what is the alternative? Should we not speak? Should we not learn from each other? Life is fluid, as are our minds. Beliefs change, ideas change, and so shall we if we are continually learning.

Psychology practitioners have a treatment for patients with phobias called exposure therapy. The way it works is they expose the patient to that which they are afraid of in small doses until they are able to overcome their fear. In this light, I will not be shunning away from unsavory subjects, rather I hope to learn from the past rather than hide it or alter it in order to be more acceptable. Unfortunately, this is becoming an outdated practice when teaching history as students have demanded that teachers avoid sharing information which may arouse offense. This has caused a pandemic of emotional intelligence deficiency in adults, those over the age of 18, and warrant concern for some who realize these are the future leaders of the free world. How can one lead a world they are afraid of? The world has become better for all that live in it, but if we hide history we will be unaware of the massive improvements we benefit from. Technology and industrialization has saved billions of lives, but if we value nature more than human beings we may take for granted the very technologies which have enabled us to live twice as long as those before us. Changes to the world based on feelings rather than evidence is regressive and will not lead to a Utopia as attempted by many before us. Bad ideas which are enforced leads to death not prosperity. My hope for my children and for you is a life of abundance, and the information I share is not to entice you into despair, but rather to cultivate a culture of gratitude. It takes time, and it takes exposure to unsavory times which were much worse than what we face today, but that is the cost. And if we prefer to avoid making the same mistakes as those who have passed before us, it is a cheap cost to pay. Rather than fear and shun certain feelings, I embrace them, as they help me feel more human. Processing grief is normal, and to read the horrific realities experienced by many who have been able to share their personal accounts without feeling such a response would be unnatural. Rather than be upset by those who have exposed you to such information, I would encourage you to take the time to process your emotional response and be grateful, you did not have to personally suffer through the same experiences. At the same time, rather than only relate to the victims in history, also ask yourself how you yourself could do such a thing to those victims. In reality, we probably have more in common with the perpetrator of such atrocities, than we do with the victims in such historical events. But the more we justify ourselves and our own actions we tend to repeat a vicious cycle of persecution without even realizing we are the ones committing the unnecessary suffering. This is how history can play an important role in our lives, this is how we learn from the past so that we ourselves do not repeat it.

Thank you for your time, I wish you a long and meaningful life, full of accomplishment, compassion, understanding, joy, peace, and rest.