Trust Us, We're Experts!: How Industry Manipulates Science and Gambles with Your Future Sheldon Rampton & John Stauber
They even skim over a scientist who pointed out the diminishing affects of CO2 in the atmosphere (as it is a fertilizer for plants and therefore more CO2 causes a greening of the earth which filters even more CO2) which Hansen believes to be the driver of global warming. The excuse they gave for disregarding this scientist totally blowing up Hansen's theory was how dare this biologist pretend to know more about the atmosphere than a climate scientist. Which is a flag they even say to look for...
San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities Michael Shellenberger
For now, if you are addicted to illegal drugs and want a beautiful outdoor space where you can use them unfettered by police, then California is the place for you. That is the nationwide billboard for the state which attracts homeless to hitchhike to their state. It will remain so until the state government stops spending $70 billion dollars annually into this homeless/drug addiction industrial complex.