Ideological Subversion

The following charts are from the booklet titled: “Love Letter to America.” Written by KGB defector Tomas Schuman (A.K.A. Yuri Bezmenov). These charts are published here to accompany the free full audiobook published on YouTube (see link below).

Full free audiobook of “Love Letter to America” written by KGB defector Tomas D. Schuman (born Yuri Bezmenov in the U.S.S.R.), a booklet published in 1984. Noticing that the government he worked for was destroying countries by introducing Socialist/Communist ideologies, he fled first to Canada, then to America. This booklet was written as a warning to Americans that they are being deceived without recognizing it. In it he exposes the very nature of his work for the KGB as a “journalist” who wrote “news” which would then be given and run through the media of the country being “ideologically subverted.” A term he explains as “the process of changing the perception of reality in the minds of millions of peoples all over the world.” A strategy used to establish a new world order, or worldwide communist rule.

Bezmenov uses his sense of humor while at the same time pointing out obvious contradictions from slogans to policies. He expounds on the process of the tyranny of bureaucracies, how they will permanently change the structure of the United States government and lead the country from capitalism and individual freedoms to socialism and state control. It comes off dystopian, and certainly novels have been based loosely on such ideas, however, Bezmenov’s real life experiences are more interesting than fiction, and harder to discredit as Americans are witnessing the very predictions made nearly forty years ago come true before their eyes.


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